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Using one of our latest generation head scans this tutorial takes you through the process of creating and rendering realistic looking Skin using Modo 601.
Duration :: 70 minutes
Video Format :: MP4 H.264
Tutor :: James Busby
Required Software :: Modo 601 or higher, Photoshop, Zbrush 4R5*
Data Set includes:: Head Scan ZTL & OBJ, All Texture maps in PSD format, Final Modo scene file
Download size :: 1.5GB
Chapter 1 :: Introduction (Watch Sample)
We look at the ZTool using Zbrush 4R5 and export the mesh and normal map into Modo where we apply both diffuse and colour and set-up the lighting.
Chapter 2 :: Sub dermal skin textures
This chapter looks specifically at the lower dermal skin texture and SSS settings.
Chapter 3 :: Upper dermal skin textures
Upper dermal and Diffuse tint textures are all covered in this section
Chapter 4 :: Specular and reflection
Learning how to control the specular highlights using very easy to create maps in photoshop
Chapter 5 :: Bump mapping
A very quick and easy way of generating great looking bump maps from the diffuse colour map
Chapter 6 :: Rendering
Rendering the fully shaded head using Modo’s preview render as well as some great HDRI lighting set-ups using SIBL