
Tag : 3D environment

27 Feb 2013

Scanning an environment with Agisoft

This is a very simple environment scanning test using a single camera and Agi PhotoScan, I know its been done before 1000 times but the results are very encouraging.

Point cloud view in Agi, again this was a quick test and amounted to nothing more than a few shots with a DSLR. Next time we do this we are going to try a multi camera approach to try and capture an entire section of the environment with one shot.


We didn’t take any top down shots of the rock hence the horrible sky coloured bubble.

Agisoft photoscan

The texture maps are average baked at 7,000 x 7,000 for this example, they are not bad but poor lighting on the day means there is a lot of baked in shadow.

Agisoft photoscan

It really is a very easy thing to do, it should be interesting to see how far we can push it. Being able to capture a clean detailed textured environment has so many potential applications Imagine a photo realistic environment like this running in unity with an oculus rift, watch this space 🙂